Chirayil Solar power tech



Best Solar Power Systems in Trivandrum

Solar Power Plants

Manufacturer & Exporter of Solar Power Plants. Our product range also comprises of Remote Monitoring with updated technology and Pollution Control System.


Ranging from 1kW to 10kW, these projects are mostly On-Grid and Off- Grid Types. These give the best blend of economy and small scale implementation


Ranging from 10kW upwards, maximum production in a small area brings the highest returns on investment for this class of power plants. Chirayil Solar specialises in highly efficient designs which when implemented generate the most energy compared to the competition over a period of time

Solar Pannels

From sleek and functional designs to sustainable technology, we have a wide range of solar panels designed to meet your specific needs. Be part of the clean energy revolution and light up your world with renewable energy.

Battery & Inverter

Empower your energy independence with state-of-the-art solar battery technology that provides efficient storage for excess solar energy. Equipped with next-generation inverters, you’ll experience a seamless transition from solar capture power to usable electricity. 

Solar Water heater

Our state-of-the-art solar heaters take advantage of the sun’s energy to offer eco-friendly, low-cost solutions. Embrace a greener lifestyle with easy solar hot water access for your daily routine.

Water Level Controller

water level
Welcome to the world of intelligent water management, where every drop counts.Our Water Level Controller automatically controls your water supply so you never have to worry about balancing your supply or wasting water.

Stainless Steel Water Tank

Take your water storage experience to the next level with our stainless steel water tank – the perfect balance of durability, hygiene and modern design. Made from premium stainless steel, our stainless steel water tanks are redefining the longevity and purity of water storage.